Who We Care For

Home 5 Who We Care For

Who does Primary Homecare offer services to?

There are many different conditions for which Primary Homecare is able to offer support.

Our team delivers high quality, specialist care for all needs of adults 18+ which may include:

  • Alcohol or Drug Dependence (Past or present)
  • Cancer Care
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Diabetes
  • Dementia Care
  • Elderly Care
  • End of Life Care
  • Learning Disability
  • Mental Health Conditions
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Motor Neurone Disease
  • MS
  • Parkinson’s
  • Physical Disabilities
  • Sensory Impairment
  • Strokes

…and many other complex medical requirements.

Complex Care

We have a nurse-lead Complex Care Team made up of our fully trained care team.

Reablement to help you get mobile again

For clients who may have undergone medical procedures such as hip or knee replacements, or an event that has reduced their mobility such as a stroke or TIA, we offer a reablement service in your own home.

Complex care services, Suffolk
Care Services Suffolk

Companionship and assistance with daily living

For those clients who may not have friends or family nearby, or who spend extended times without company we offer a range of companionship services which may include anything from spending time in conversation, to playing games, going for walks or going to the shops.

We also have a team of beauticians, nail therapists, hairdressers and fitness trainers who can help you stay healthy, as active as you’d like to be, and looking and feeling as good as you’d like to.

Helping you with your technology

We’re also able to help out with daily living assistance such as setting up, installing or guiding clients with technologies such as mobile phones, TV, alarms systems, alert systems for medical and personal safety, reminder systems to ensure medication is taken on schedule, and other similar services.